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041-556-0700 |
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상담시간 09:00 ~ 18:00 |
고객님께 항상친절하게 답변해 드리겠습니다. | |
A fine whirlwind fog spray is excellent in adhesion, permeability, and diffusivity to prevent crops from weakening, soil pollution, and successfully tested (100%) with both sprays. The management philosophy is that only a perfect multi-purpose self-propelled power spray with zero failure rate can contribute to the company.
Each machine is easy to work according to the needs of crops and workers' convenience, and there are no stress and bruises due to high-pressure spraying due to fine leaf surface fertilization, reduction of labor, reduction of working time, and the best eco-friendly product to prevent soil and agricultural water contamination.
We will do my best to make great products. Thank you.